Octopath Traveler 2 (Octopath 2)

Temenos Chapter 1 Walkthrough

Octopath Traveler 2 - Temenos Chapter 1.png

This a walkthrough guide to Chapter 1 of Temenos' Storyline in Octopath Traveler 2 (Octopath 2). Read on to find a summary of this chapter, possible side stories, use of Temenos' Path Actions, enemies encountered, tips and strategies to beat the boss Felvarg, chest locations, and more!

Temenos Related Guides
Temenos Profile Temenos Storyline
Chap. 1 Chap.2 Crackridge
Chap. 4

Temenos Chapter 1 Walkthrough

Chapter Summary and Introduction


Our story begins as Temenos Mistral tells the legend of the Sacred Flame, when the eight gods assembling to defeat an evil that arose in the world in the form of Vide the Wicked God. it picks off when the Pontiff Jorg requests to meet in the Cathedral later that day.

Confront the Wicked God
You will play as Aelfric the Flamebringer tasked with defeating Vide the Wicked God.
Recruit the Sanctum Knight
Head to the Cathedral.
Coerce Information About the Cathedral
Find Vados the Architect.
Infiltrate the Cathedral
Find Vados the Architect.
Defeat Felvarg

Flamechurch - Pilgrim's Way

Confront the Wicked God
You will initially play as Aelfric the Flamebringer, an ancient god, who has to beat Vide the Wicked God. Use your God abilities to deal as damage as you can, don't worry about dying as it is necessary for you to lose.

When you regain control again as Temenos, let the scene play out until you get out of the church.
Take a Stroll Through Town
Head south and find a group of townspeople being harassed by a bunch of heretics. Wait for the Sanctum Knight to appear and confront the heretics.

After the scene plays out, use Guide to accompany Crick, the Sanctum Knight, to the Cathedral.
Head to the Cathedral
Head north of the village towards Pilgrim's Way. There are chests in the area that hold recovery items. Wander a bit more until you come across an enemy. You will be presented a tutorial on summoning recruited townspeople.

You can summon townspeople you have recruited to aid you in battle. These characters can only assist in battle for a set number of turns so be sure to make the most out of them.
4 Acquire Crick as a Party Member.jpg
Continue to the Cathedral
After battling with Crick, he will join your party. Continue through the cave and keep heading North until you reach the Cathedral Entrance.

Cathedral Entrance - Underground Passage

Head to the Main Door
Once you reach there, a scene plays out that the front door is locked. Prompting you to interrogate the townspeople for a way to move forward.
Find the Architect
Vados the Architect can be found southwest of the common area by the Cathedral Entrance. Break him in combat to learn the location of an underground passage to the Cathedral.
Head to the Underground Passage
The undergound passage can be found in the eastmost building near the Cathedral Main Door.

Cathedral Interior

Keep going Left
Once you reach the underground passage, keep heading west until you reach the ladder that goes up the Cathedral.
Head to the Altar
Once inside, head to the Altar at the center of the cathedral. Be sure to save the game before approaching the area because of an upcoming boss fight!
Defeat the Arcane Beast
Your investigation will be interrupted by Felvarg, an arcane beast. Defeat Felvarg using Temenos' Light Attacks and Crick's Sacred Slash.
Search for Clues
After battling the beast, you will have to interact with glowing blue pointers in the area to find clues as to what happened to the Pontiff. Deputy Cubaryi will then arrive ending your investigation.

A funeral pyre will be set for the Pontiff. After a few conversations with Crick, the Deputy, and Mindt, Temenos' Chapter 1 concludes.

Temenos Chapter 1 Side Stories

All Chapter 1 Side Stories

Name Information
Pilgrim Protection Location: Flamechurch
Client: Elder
How to Complete: Receive 3 Sacred Flame Candles from the Pilgrim inside the church, the Pilgrim by the church entrance, and the Pilgrim next to the save point under the church and return to client.
Rewards: 5000 Leaves, Fortifying Nut, Tough Nut

Other Side Stories

Name Information
The Traveler's Bag Location: Depends on Selected Traveler
Client: Al
How to Complete: Defeat nearby Bandit. Can only be found at Night.
Rewards: 1500 Leaves, Slippery Nut x1, Healing Grape x3

List of All Side Stories

Temenos Chapter 1 Path Actions


Character Information
CrickCrick Stats
Strength: 2
Skill: Sacred Slash

Crick Location: Found south of the small chapel in Flamechurch.

To progress the story, use Guide to accompany Crick to the Cathedral. This Path Action allows Temenos to summon townspeople to aid him in battle for a set number of turns.

Path Actions Guide: All Path Actions Explained


Character Information
Vados the ArchitectVados the Architect Stats
Strength: 2
・Fire, Light, Bow
Received Info:
・Underground Passage Location

Vados the Architect Location: Found southwest of the Cathedral.

This Path Action is similar to Osvald's Mug but slightly different in the conditions that need to be met. Temenos' Coerce allows him to get information out of someone after Breaking them in battle.

Break and Boost System Guide

Temenos Chapter 1 Enemies Encountered

Pilgrim's Way

Enemy SP & Vulnerabilities
Octopath Traveler II - Mountain Ape IIconMountain Ape I
Shield Points: 2 SP
Sword Staff Ice Light
Octopath Traveler II - Giant FalconIconGiant Falcon
Shield Points: 1 SP
Sword Polearm Bow Fire Light

Temenos Chapter 1 Boss Guide

Felvarg Shield Points and Weaknesses

Enemy SP & Vulnerabilities
Octopath Traveler II - FelvargIconFelvarg
Shield Points: 5 SP
Sword Ice Light

How to Beat Felvarg

Utilize Crick's Godsblade's Shield


This skill raises your physical defense for three turns. Pairing this with Cover will make for an excellent defensive strategy as Temenos isn't exactly a brute force fighter.

Use Elemental Soulstones for Critical Damage

You'll find a few Light Soulstones as you wander through Pilgrim's Way and the Underground Passage. These pack a punch against the Felvarg the Arcane Beast enough to Break it in one shot.

Break and Boost System Guide

Temenos Chapter 1 Chests

Pilgrim's Way

All Chest Locations
Inspiriting Plum
By a cliffside on the path to the cathedral.
Healing Grape
Another cliffside on the other side of the path.
Stimulating Ring
Past a small underground river to your right when you enter the tunnels.
Tough Nut
By a cliff to the left when you enter the tunnels.

Cathedral Cellars

All Chest Locations
Light Soulstone
At the top of two flights of stairs by the entrance of the cellar.
Inspiriting Plum
Ride the canoe towards the foreground to spot a dock that leads to this chest.
Pilgrim Rod
East of the provisioner is a bronze statue you can pass behind. Move towards the background then back west to reach this chest.

Flamechurch Cathedral

All Chest Locations
Olive of Life
In the room just west of the save point.
Light Soulstone
In the eastmost room from the save point.

Octopath Traveler 2 (Octopath 2) Related Guides

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Story Walkthrough: All Character Storylines

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Chap. 1 Chap. 2 Chap. 3 Chap. 4 Chap. 5
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Chap.1 Chap. 2 Chap. 3 Chap. 4
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All Crossed Paths Routes

Crossed Paths Pairs
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Scholar & Merchant
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Cleric &
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Apothecary & Hunter

Final Chapter: Extra Stories

Octopath Traveler 2 - Ochette Sprite All Extra Stories and Unlock Condition
Tranquil Grotto Fellsun Ruins Tombs of the Wardenbeasts Flamechurch
Vidania (Epilogue)

All Scent of Commerce Routes

Octopath Traveler 2 - Partitio SpriteScent of Commerce Guides


1 Ariadneabout 2 years

Love your guides and am happy you guys are making a wiki on Octopath 2. Suggesting that you list down what the vulnerabilities are for the enemies that need to be coerced. Vados the Architect is vulnerable to Light Magic from Temenos


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